Saturday, October 31, 2009

Getting older and wiser

And so it is! Today is my Birthday....Well, never really celebrated Birthdays but at least I get the chance to blog about something. So on this day what is special?? I do as a woman have moments where I reflect on how many many years back my dear ummi without epidural with all her might delivered me to this world and had her fair share of sleepless nights. So why am I just celebrating myself when I should celebrate my mom as well. So my dear Ummi this day is for you too but You are still in the land down under while im here in Malaysia : ).

I guess I should also reflect on what I have done since the last 31st of October till this very day and like every normal human being I should reflect on my goals. Have I achieved any?? Have I become a better person?? What have I done this whole year? Well questions can keep coming and coming. As for now the 1st of November is my very own New Year, not the 1st of January like everyone else.

With my new life, new goals have been written down and we shall see what the next 31st of October brings : D …. A better person always hopefully.
Anyhow, with birthdays come cakes, presents and warm wishes…. Thank you for your warm wishes , presents and cake Mr Husband, family and friends.

today tak bawak camera so tak ada lah gambar birthday cake and also the whole birthday scenario of me going out to Putrajaya with my family makan all you can eat dim sum... around RM50 per adult all you can eat sounds like a good bargain... anyhow another year and another day has passed... looking back now...gosh how time flies!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Early delivery

After over a month of silence, I have decided to write a little something

Almost two weeks ago I was 9 weeks pregnant.... at 8 weeks pregnant I went for my usual checkup and after the usual scan I was informed that the fetus has no heartbeat thus to be absolutely certain that my baby is in other words not alive , my Doctor made another appointment to see him the following week.

After a crucial week of waiting and being pregnant for 9 weeks, the scan still showed a fetus without a heartbeat, plus to be absolutely sure that this fetus is dead the scan also showed that the fetus has not grown over my last visit. With that result I had to set a date to do a D&C.

Since none in my family members have undergone such ordeal, I wasn't sure if I should do a D&C or wait for my body to experience a natural miscarriage. Given 2 days to think, I went on the internet to look for information and did some consultation with other Doctors on to why this happen and if I should proceed with D&C.

From what I found out on why this happen, the Doctor said its common to miscarry for the first time , but if you miscarry twice in a row than a thorough checkup on your body will be done to detect any problem. In addition, it is advisable that pregnant woman to not go near cats or cat feces as a disease called toxoplasmosis which is transferred mainly from cats and is very dangerous to pregnant woman.

On if I should have a natural miscarriage or to do a D&C

1) Natural miscarriage

As told by the Doctor, If I would like to have a natural miscarriage I would face 2 consequences, either I would get an infection first then a miscarriage or I will have a miscarriage first and if my body does not pass out everything or what they might call a partial miscarriage, I will end up having to do a D&C anyway and sometimes because the fetus is in your body for a long period of time you are susceptible to infection.

2) To do a D&C (Dilation and Curettage)

Basically this operation will take 10 - 15 minutes not including the time you will wake up after given anesthetic. The gynecologist emptied my uterus before which I was given a general anesthetic by an anesthetist and woke up some 40 minutes after the operation knowing everything was done. Before going in the operating room I was very scared not knowing what to expect but after everything was done Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) everything was ok. After such operation the doctor will explain to you the Do's and Don’ts for the following week.

It is also important to know that there are some possible risks when choosing to do the D&C. It can damage the cervix during dilation or it might give a scar to your uterus during procedure. If whenever you get a scar on your hand and it ends up getting puffed up or really bad than the Doctor said its better not to go on with D&C.

It is important that you find out everything you can about natural miscarriage and D&C if you have to. I do prefer to have a natural miscarriage but because I have waited a certain period of time and it still hasn’t happened, I decided to go on with D&C.

I do feel sad, frightened and worried that this might happen again but there is nothing much I can do. Everything happens for a reason, and there are just things that you do the best that you can, pray for the best, hope for the best and let everything else in the hands of God.

Im happy knowing im blessed with a great husband who has given me support throughout this marriage and this misfortune…. I Love you so much and I pray and hope our happiness will last ... My family, his family and my friends giving me encouragement and helping me to go through this few weeks of what I can call an early confinement for me. Thank you all!!