moving on, they eventually arrive WITHOUT a plastic bag to store in evidence that can be brought to the lab for further investigation hmmm that wasnt enough! the best thing is yet to come.... so they came, looked through some stuff but they were not wearing gloves. hmmmmm i guess i got to carried away from watching CSI on TV and I have expected something similar in Malaysia : )....
So now, you can't turn back time but what can you learn from it??
Lesson 1 :- Inform your neighbors that you are leaving town
Lesson 2 :- You should use a timer for lights - (My sister left the porch light on without a timer so when someone passes the house in the morning they know no one is in the house because the porch light is still on)
Lesson 3 :- Lock your bin from the inside ( They entered through the bin door)
Lesson 4 :- Lock all your room doors ( They might get in eventually but at least that buys time
Lesson 5 :- Store your valuables at a secure place - give it to a family member or hide it where you wont expect them to find
The good news is that Rafa's favorite toy Mr snail being the only witness to this crime is still smiling and alive
Hoho..sangat tak suka kes macam ni,u..Polis Malaysia - i pun susah nak komen, ada juga lah few things yang kurang memuaskan dengan mereka ni, agak lemah, yang i sendiri pun pernah alami - ketidakpuasan hati..Yang lagi best, when mereka ni tidak berapa serious dalam memberi bantuan - dengan alasan - lebih banyak kes besar yang lain yang perlu mereka handle..Duh?..Perlukah nyawa melayang dahulu baru mahu klasifikasikan sesuatu kes itu sebagai SERIOUS?..Kartun Wonderpet; anak angsa tutup muka dengan baldi sebab tak pandai menari - Wonderpet boleh klasifikasikan kes sebagai - INI SERIOUS, (ok, sila nyanyi sendiri)...
But, Polis kita?...Ok, Wonderpet bukanlah contoh yang terbaik untuk dibeda-bedakan dengan hal ini...Haha!...The point is, think BIG la kan?..Dah kata polis, kenapakah? apakah? - Masih lemah - mereka perlu jalankan tugas dengan sebenar makna polis lah in any cases pun - bukan mahu klasifikasi-klasifikasi...
Takpelah Maya, barang hilang mungkin terkilan jugalah, but ada lah hikmah di sebalik semua tu kan?..Maybe buruk di pandangan kita, tetapi terbaik di mata Allah untuk kita sebenarnya...
Alhamdulillah, tiada nyawa yang terancam...
Nway, i met Kak Dina last night kat surau JJ masa i performed my Maghrib...So, i send my regards to you - hope Kak Dina tak lupa lah to deliver u the salam...
U =D
huhu..polis malaysia...nothing much to say abt them...they just come to the house n ambil2 gbr, lukis2 layout rumah, tengok2, belek2 sikit and that's it, while we are in a high hope that the penjenayah to be caught asap...
that what i faced...the pegawai penyiasat was just mentioning 'kami akan siasat' repeatedly n i dont know what happened next..the police came to my house in tmn melati on 3rd ramadhan after i lodged a police report when i lost my laptop, wallet, handphone n a watch that made me sehelai sepinggang..the policemen were just took some photos, lukis2 layout rumah, belek2 this and that and..that's it...takde pulak buat pengecaman cap jari ke, etc like how CSI team did...(maybe i pun influenced by CSI juga mcm u maya)..then i think benda tu habis macam tu je...until now i never heard anythng frm the police, but still, takkan maafkan the pencuri.....forever...
maya, u know wat, tu pun kira ok polis dtg rumah, dulu masa kat ipoh, my fren punya rumah kena pecah, langsung xdtg rumah pun, just buat report je kt balai polis, dia kata klu serius ade kecederaan baru dtg..siot je diorg nih...mana la org x ckp macam2 pasal polis malaysia...
btw, where r u staying now eh? bila blk brisbane?
Apple:- yup ada hikmah and ada lesson to learn too. anyway,my sister did mention that she met my friend : )
Ardi:- oh ya, the police came to my sister's house and drew god knows what, maybe they should have hired an architecture student so they would get a precise picture : )
saly:- uish tu lagi teruk... nak tunggu something happen to someone baru nak investigate aiyoooo... takpe-takpe kita 1 Malaysia ; )
hi maya, am just silent reader at ur blog.
i been experience this last 2 year. masa tu i menyewa sorang2 kat sri damansara. dh lah terkejut bila rumah kena pecah masuk, bila call polis, (btw i call polis sg. buloh..sbb dh panik sgt & no police tu jer ada dlm directory), pengawai polis tu cakap suruh call & lodged report at nearby police station. i pun cakap lah, y must i go there & make police report, police tak blh dtg rumah & amik keterangan & evidance ke..but the police man say its compulsory to make police report FIRST!
well, i go lodged report & have to wait nearly 3 hour utk police dtg..i sempat tido lagi tu. bila so called pengawai penyiasat tu dtg, they took picture, take my statement and thats it. mana ada nk amik fingerprints ni...btw, am CSI fanatics too...:p :p
The police didn't try to trace the fingerprints? Oh no! That is REALLY REALLY bad.
My house was broken into twice back then in Manchester, and I love seeing the CSIs doing their stuff..
well Afni, welcome back to Malaysia hahahah... A country where everything is possible : )
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